# Publishing a Python Package

I just released my first public python package, prunner (opens new window). (It is a pipeline management tool.) It was suprisingly easy to do. First sign up for an account on PyPi (opens new window). Then under account settings, click "Add API token". Copy this token down into a file called ~/.pypirc

# Setting up ~/.pypirc

  username = __token__
  password = pypi-Azfjslfn...-REST-OF-API-TOKEN-...9fsawfj2Ljm

# Install necessary packaging utilities

pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel twine

# Package code

In the project folder, where setup.py is located:

python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
# this will create a dist/ with two files

# Upload the code

twine upload dist/*

# It's a-live!

Yay! Check it out at pypi (opens new window)